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MVC with Multiple Injuries - Port Penn

Tuesday, October 13, 2015
On Tuesday morning at approx. 0910 hrs the station along with B-4 (Odessa) was alerted for an mvc with multiple injuries on Port Penn Rd between Thorntown and Pole Bridge Rd. A-29 went responding from an ambulance cover at station 15 (Delaware City). 29-8C (J. Newman) went arrival and assumed Port Penn Rd command. At the same time Rescue 29 went responding under the command of Capt. 1 (T. Riale). A-29 & Rescue 29 arrived at the same time to find two vehicles head on and one vehicle in the ditch farther down the street. Command advised he had a total of 3 patients one from each vehicle and requested an additional ambulance and a medic bringing medic 5 and A-24. All patients were packaged and transported to CMC and Rescue 29's crew preformed general clean up of the roadway. Command placed the scene under control and all units cleared. Units Responding: A-29, Rescue 29, 29-8C (J. Newman), Deputy 29 (B. Dunkelberger), A-24, B-4, Medic 5, Deldot, Sta. 4/24 (Odessa) fire police Jasper Lakey

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