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Working Barn Fire - Port Penn Road

Tuesday, October 13, 2015
On October 13th at 21:54hrs the Port Penn Vol. Fire Co. (Station 29) along with Delaware City (Station 15), Odessa (Stations 4/24), Midddletown (Stations 1/27), Townsend (Station 26)were alerted for a barn fire in the area of the 600 block of Port Penn Road. Assistant Chief Newman (29-8C) arrived on location and reported several structures with fire showing. Fire Chief Schoeffler (29-8) arrived shortly after and upgraded the alarm requesting for a tanker task force. Chief Schoeffler established Port Penn Road Command and appoint A/C Newman as the operations officer and Deputy Chief Dunkelberger as the Water Supply Officer. While Tanker 29 with a crew of 6 under the command of Captain Eaton (29-C3) placed in service one 1 3/4" handline and one 2" handline in service. Command requested for 2 field pieces for several fires that had spread to a nearby field. Engine 29-4 layed out 1800' of 5" up the lane to supply Tanker 29 which was supplying Quint 15. As units arrived on location there crews went to work on the defensive operation in the original fire buildings and the suppression of the fire in the surrounding fields. Accountability was established and was conducted by FF/EMT Matt Netsch, and Safety 15 (Jay Dennis) was appointed the safety officer. The operations was also broken down to two divisions, and were A/C Newman became Division 1 and Division 2 was assigned to Captain Johnston (29-C2). 15-7's officer handled the exposure overhaul and Chief 24 (T. Lynch) was the stagging officer for manpower. A-15, Medic6, Rehab 24 operated as the support services for the incident. Units operated 5 lines and 1 ladder pipe and worked to contain the fire to the first three structures. Due to the this being a non-hydrant area the companies operated a water shuttle and supplied 26,000 gallons of water for the operation. The Port Penn Vol. Fire Co. would like to thank all the companies that operated on the incident. First Alarm: Tanker 29,29-4,Rescue 29,29-0,29-8,Deputy 29, 29-8C,15-5,15-7,Tanker 24,Rescue 24,4-5,Rescue 27,Tanker 26,26-3 Tanker Task Force: Cecil Tanker 12 (Chesapeake City),Cecil Tanker 9 (Hack's Point),Tanker 33 (Delaware Air Guard) EMS: NCC Medic 6,DCFC A-15, Rehab: Rehab 24 Police: DSFMO,DSP

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