
Kenworth/Saulsbury - Rescue 29 (Retired)

Rescue 29 is a 1991 Kenworth 2 person cab with a Saulsbury stainless steel walk in body that seats 4 persons. The truck carries 450 gallons of water and 50 gallons of foam. R-29 has a 500 GPM Hale pump and a 15 KW generator. The truck also has a 6,000 lb 4 bottle cascade system. Rescue 29 also has eight 8,000 watt lights on a light tower that raises 25 foot into the air. The truck is equipped with all nesscessary tools for vehichle rescue and search and rescue.

Rescue 29 was sold to Scott's Run Fire Co. in Cassville WV on December 1st 2012.

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