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Tuesday, October 13, 2015
At 12:22 hrs the Port Penn Fire Co. with Del. City and Lower Alloway Creek Sta. 18 where dispatched to a possible lobster boat on fire in the Delaware River in the area of artificial island. Mru 29 went responding with a crew of 5 under the command of Deputy Chief Speakman. After placing 29-M1 in the water trooper 4 advised that the correct location was around the mouth of the canal. The 2 occupants left the vessel in a small inflatable prior to rescue boats arriving. Deputy 15 advised fireboard that he would take command from the shore and Deputy 29 took operations from 29-M1. 29-M1 went o/s with a 43 ft. pleasure craft well involved with fire. The 2 occupants had since boarded a private boat that was in the area. 15-m1 and Salem marine 18 went o/s at the same time. The three rescue boats placed 5 lines in service in an attempt to suppress the fire. Command asked for two additional rescue boats to help with operations which brought 20-M1 (Holloway Terrace) and N.C.C. 18-M1 (Goodwill). The vessel was also found to be full of fuel at around 430 gallons of diesel. 29-M1 and Salem marine 18 towed the vessel into Delaware City marina where 15-5 was awaiting our arrival to overhaul the vessel. The incident was placed under control around 17:05 hrs turning the vessel over to private towing and the owners. Units responding: Mru-29, 29M-1, 29M-2,R-29, A-29, Mru-15, Special ops 15, 15-M1, D-15, 15-5,DCFC ladies Auxillary, Salem Marine 18 and 18 A,MRU-20, 20M-1,MRU-18, 18-M1,B-4, DCPD, Dnrec, Trooper 4,Marine Police, Medic 2B

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