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Occupied Vehichle In Water - Odessa

Tuesday, October 13, 2015
At 1739 hrs, stations 4/24 (Odessa), Marine boats 29 (Port Penn), 27 (Middletown), 15 (Delaware City), NCC Swift Water Team, NCC Dive Team was alerted for a vehichle reported in the water sinking on Dupont Parkway at Appquin Creek. Duty Truck 29 went responding with 29 marine 2 under the command of FF/EMT Deery. Shortly after MRU 29 made the response under the command of FF/EMT Robinson. Deputy 24 (B. McCanney) arrived and assumed Appquin Creek command and advised the units responding one vehichle went off of the road and no occupants had come out. 29 marine 2 upon arrival was luanched from the southbound shoreline and started searching the creek. MRU 29 on its first run was set up on the northbound span of the bridge and provided equipment and scene lights. After several hours pf searching the creek for several hours the tide had gone out and at that time FF B. Billings of Odessa spotted the roof of the vehichle from the bridge. NCC Dive team searched the vehichle and removed the occupant around 21:09 hrs.

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