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Safety Tips For 2009 Boating Season - Port Penn

Tuesday, October 13, 2015
As the 2009 Boating Season gets on their way, the officer’s and member’s of the Port Penn Fire Co. would like you read some safety tips to consider before going out on the water. As most of you may know, we provide many of rescue services to boaters in the Delaware Waterways. Most situations that occur on the water are accidents in which some could be avoided by taking certain pre-cautions prior to going out on the water. We also would recommend that each boater have their boat inspected by the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary. Their inspection will let you know if your vessel meets the safety equipment requirements or they will let you know what you are missing. We also would urge any boater that hasn’t taking the boater safety courses to do so. They provide a lot of information and safety guidelines to use while boating. Anyone can take the courses which are offered by the Coast Guard Auxiliary and the Delaware Department of Natural Resources Fish & Wildlife Division. We hope you have a great time on the water this season and please stay safe while doing so. Below are some safety tips to look over prior to launching your vessel. • Make sure your vessel has plenty of fuel for the trip • Make sure all the plugs are in the vessel • Make sure your vessel has the proper floatation devices and please wear them • Make sure you have a flare kit in case you need help • Try to have some type of communication onboard (VHF radio, cell phone, etc.) • Know the waterways in which you are boating and the locations of hidden objects in the waters like jetties, sandbars, etc.

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