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Fire Nature Unkown - Port Penn

Tuesday, October 13, 2015
On Sunday 4-26-09 at 2322 hrs the station was alerted for a fire nature unkowwn on Port Penn Road in the area of Thorntown Road. 29-Captain 1 (T. Riale) responded at 2325 hrs with Tanker 29 responding with a crew of 4 under the command of FF Nate Eaton. Fireboard advised it would be on Port Penn Rd just east of Thorntown Rd. 29-C1 arrived at 2327 hrs and had the Tanker hold on the roadway. 29-C1 advised fireboard it was under control at 2328 hrs and was a control burn. Units Responding: Tanker 29, 29-C1 (T. Riale)

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