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MVC Involving School Bus & Tractor Trailer - DuPont PY & Scott's Run

Tuesday, October 13, 2015
On Monday 4-27-09 at 1521 hrs the station was alerted for a mvc on DuPont Parkway at Scott's Run. A-29 went responding at 1522 hrs and was advised by fireboard that it was involving a tractor trailer and a unoccupied school bus. Rescue 29 went responding under the command of FF/EMT Amy Trowbridge with a crew of three at 1526 hrs. Upon arrival of the units they found a school bus only occupied by the bus driver struck in the rear by a tractor trailer. 29-8B (R. Stuckert) arrived and assumed command. The crews from A-29 & Rescue 29 removed the driver and transported him to christiana medical center. Command placed the scene under control at 1538 hrs and released the units. Units Responding: A-29, Rescue 29, 29-8B (R. Stuckert)

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