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PPVFC Aids Dog In Time Of Need - Port Penn

Tuesday, October 13, 2015
On Wenesday, May 20th, the station was contacted by a couple from Delaware City who advised that a couple of dogs were struck on Thorntown Rd while crossing the street. Fire Chief Frank Schoeffler, Career Staff Marty Deery,Part Timer John Williams, FF/EMT Brad Speakman responded and found one dog had already succumbed to his injuries and another was running back and forth across the street. The crew contacted the SPCA to make the response and while waiting they were able to calm the other dog down and remained with it until the SPCA arrived. The dog turned out to be a boxer, which was turned over to the SPCA. There was also a letter written and printed in the Middletown Transcript this past week from the couple that called. It was a great job by all involved.

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