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Resume's being accepted for Full Time Employment - Port Penn

Tuesday, October 13, 2015
PORT PENN FIRE COMPANY P.O. BOX 29 PORT PENN, DE 19731 Phone (302) 834-7483 ***PORT PENN FIRE COMPANY IN AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER*** FULL TIME FIREFIGHTER / EMT EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Nature of position(s): Employees will be responsible for staffing basic life support ambulances and fire apparatus as needed as well as various maintenance and administrative tasks. Number of Positions (To be determined) Hours of work: Various (24 / 72) Salary: DOQ ($16.00 HR) Benefits: Health insurance, State of Delaware Pension, vacation, holidays, and sick leave. Minimum qualifications: • Valid drivers license and Delaware Emergency Vehicle Operator license • Must provide a certified copy of driving record from the Division of Motor Vehicle • Must have excellent oral and written communication skills • Current healthcare provider CPR certification and AED • Current National Registry and Delaware EMT-B with at least one year of practical experience • Basic Firefighting Skills, Structural Firefighting Skills, Hazardous Materials Response Skills, and Vehicle Rescue and Driver Operator from the Delaware State Fire School (or equivalent) • Water Rescue class from the Delaware State Fire School (or equivalent) within 6 months of hire •Basic computer skills Application procedure: Interested individuals should send resumes to the Port Penn Volunteer Fire Company at PO BOX 29, PORT PENN DE 19731 attention Paid Staff Supervisor. Closing date: 9/23/2011

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