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Marsh Rescue

Saturday, December 28, 2019
Station 29 along with Marine Units 1-5,18 and 29 the New Castle County Surface Water Team and Delaware State Police Trooper 4 were dispatched for a subject stuck in the marsh in the area State Blind 5 off the Delaware River. 29 and 1-5 units arrived on scene simultaneously and a split crew comprised of 3 Swift Water Rescue Technicians 2 from 29 and 1 from 1-5 launched 29M3 and made access to the subject who was stuck due west of the blind in the marsh waist deep in thick viscous type mud. The crew from 29M3 worked in tandem with several hand tools and even using hands to dig out the stuck subject. From contact to extrication was 21 minutes,as the pt was being extricated 26M2 arrived and assisted with subject transport to the shore along with his boat. 18M2 then arrived and assisted the crew from 29M3 and 26M2 back to the shore line to secure the subject and his belongings back in dry land. All crews on scene worked seamlessly together in order to make a challenging Rescue be completed in a timely fashion without complication. Many thanks to all who assisted in this challenging operation.

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